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Fall - October 12-14, 2024 - Maimarkt Grounds

Exhibitors at Mannheim


Here you will find further important information on the event and on organisational matters on the site.

Organisation team

Our Veterama team will be wearing red T-shirts / jackets bearing the "VETERAMA" logo. We request that you follow their instructions. If you have any questions or suggestions, please speak to someone in the organiser's office on the site. If you need a receipt for your exhibitor's wristbands or entrance tickets, you can also get these in the organiser's office on the site. This can be found on the exhibition site on the upper floor of the hall .

Particular requirements for traders / exhibitors

Exhibitors must ensure that their stand is manned during the opening hours cited, on all the days of the event. If an exhibitor takes down their stand early, they will lose their right to their regular place at future events. No naked flames are allowed and the same applies to noise or any other such nuisance. Fire prevention regulations dictate that every exhibitor with a stand of 4 units (8m) or larger must have a fully functioning fire extinguisher on their stand within easy reach. No gas canisters / containers of any kind are permitted and this applies across the entire Veterama site. If an exhibitor fails to comply with these regulations, the organisers, and indeed the fire service, have the authority to close down their stand immediately. It is the exhibitor's responsibility to keep watch over the goods that they are offering. New goods may only be offered if they are replicas of historical specimens. This also applies to items of clothing (the only exception is tools). The sale of meals and drinks or other food items is strictly forbidden and can result in a stand being closed down. If the goods on offer do not comply with our criteria, the continued running of the stand will not be allowed.

Outdoor area – traders / exhibitors

Please set up your sales stand in the outdoor area in such a way that there is a continuous display of goods on sale on the path or street side of the stand. Vehicles used for transportation that are staying on the stand should be parked at the rear of the stand area. The vehicles of all exhibitors in the outdoor area must be kept within the area of the rented stand. There are no parking spaces available on the exhibition site.

Halls – exhibitors

It is not permitted to stay overnight in the halls or to stick anything to the floor of the halls. Hall providers are allowed to park free of charge in the parking lot opposite Gate 2.

Attaching shelves or any similar fixed components to the stand is strictly forbidden.

Market for complete vehicles (Marketplace)

In the MARKETPLACE, sellers may offer vintage cars, modern classics and classic vehicles. Camping trailers, camper vans and any vehicles converted into camper vans are not allowed and will be turned away at the entry gates. Staying overnight in a vehicle on the marketplace site is not permitted.

The attached For Sale sign (with price) must be clearly attached to each vehicle. The entrance badge for your vehicle (sticker) must be displayed inside the vehicle on the windscreen. The sale of spare parts in the MARKETPLACE is not permitted. Vehicles that have been transported on trailers can be parked along with the trailer. The vehicle used to pull the trailer may not be parked in the MARKETPLACE. Vehicles used to transport exhibits must be parked outside in the visitors' car parks.

Power supply

You will need to register on the upper floor of the hall in the organiser's office. Please bring at least 50 m of extension cable with you. Each exhibitor will need to book their own power supply. Should overloading of the electricity supply lead to a power cut or any other problem, this could result in considerable costs for the exhibitor on the stand in question.

Disposal of rubbish

You will be given a rubbish sack when you enter the site; if necessary you can have several. The rubbish bins will be emptied regularly during the event. Do not leave behind any iron parts or any other scrap/rubbish. You will otherwise have to reckon with substantial costs for disposal. Please avoid oil spillages on the roads or anywhere else on the exhibition site. Should this happen despite your best efforts, however, please contact the organiser's office immediately or speak to one of the organisers on the site. Please lay plastic film under any parts that are oily.

Entrance badge for cars

Stick your entrance badge on the inside of your windscreen so that it is clearly visible. The tag attached to it contains your stand no., area and name. Without the clearly visible sticker on your windscreen, you will not be allowed to enter the exhibition site. Vehicles parked on the site that do not have an entrance badge or have a torn name will be towed away. Parking vehicles outside of the rented stand area is forbidden. If you do not have your entrance badge, you can purchase a new one or get an additional one at the entrance gate. If you leave the site by car, the car must have the exhibitor sticker on the windscreen.

Exhibitor bracelet

Please wear your exhibitor wristband on your wrist. If you do not have your wristband, you can purchase a new one or get an additional one at the entrance gate. When leaving and returning to the exhibition site, please always show that you are wearing your WRISTBAND.

Toilets / showers

There are toilets available across the entire site. They are labelled as "WC" on the overall plan (can be downloaded from the website). There are showers in the outdoor area. Fee per person: 5 euros. Please have this amount ready.

Service depot

A free-of-charge service for your customers – the Veterama service depot. Heavy items can be kept here until customers are ready to collect them. The service depot can be found on the outdoor area 4c.


It is not permitted to park vehicles in front of entrances, exits or escape routes either in or outside of the site. We will remove any vehicles parked in such a way and the owner will be liable to cover the costs. If you cannot park your vehicle on your stand, you will have to park it in the visitors' car park. In this case, please follow the signs on the site. The car park is within walking distance.


We recommend that you plan to make your departure after 10:00 pm on Sunday so that you do not contravene the Sunday driving ban for trucks.


We reserve the right to relocate stands or to change the occupancy of stands if we have an important reason to do so (instructions from an official authority, etc.). If exhibitors do not comply with our conditions and requirements, stands may be closed/cancelled.


If you take down your stand before the time stated in the opening hours, you will lose your right to have the same stand again at future events as a regular exhibitor and you will be charged a fine for breach of contract of 50 % of the stand fee. Please note that it is not possible to leave before 4:00 pm on Sunday.


Gas canisters are forbidden as a general rule!

Our security staff are entitled to confiscate any gas canisters they find immediately. This serves to protect the safety of all VETERAMA participants.

Gas canisters in camper vans and caravans are only permitted if they fulfil the following conditions:

  • They were installed in the factory and belong to the model in question (evidence: product description of the camper van or caravan in question)
  • OR
  • They were installed subsequently by a specialist company (evidence: installation certificate or commissioning certificate from the specialist plumbing/heating/air conditioning company).
  • The installation has been subjected to the currently prescribed technical inspections at the required intervals (evidence: inspection badge or certificate)

In all other cases, or in cases where the required evidence cannot be provided, the security staff at the event will decide whether the installation is to be allowed on a case-by-case basis.

If our conditions are not complied with, the organisers, and also the fire service, have the authority to close the stand in question immediately and to exclude the trader from taking part in the event.

Fire service, police, first-aid service

Can be reached during the day through the organiser's office.

At night, please contact a member of our security staff. You will find them at all entrances and exits and walking around the outdoor areas.
